Smoked Spring Salmon 2021 lox style

I always take my annual catch to Masa’s Salmon Smoke House Ltd in North Vancouver, for my annual salmon catch. They can custom smoke your fish, portion it and vacuum it as requested. However, make sure you call them first before taking your fish in because they have a limited size freezer in the shop.

2019 Chinese New Year’s Eve Dinner – 團年飯 – Year of the Pig

The New Year’s Eve Feast is a “must do” dinner with all family members reuniting. Chinese try very hard to make this family event, often traveling long distances. This is the main reason for the huge travel stress throughout China. Big families including several generations sit at round tables and enjoy the food and time…

Chinese Kitchen – Wednesday February 18th, 6-9pm

Honey Garlic Chicken Wings -蒜香蜜汁雞翼 Pot Sticker – Chinese Dumpling -鍋貼 Honey miso glazed Pacific Spring salmon, mango and papaya salsa -汁味噌焗三文柳,木瓜杧果醬汁 Soft Lemon Chicken -檸檬煎軟雞 Fraser Valley Boneless Organic Chicken, Fresh Shitake Mushroom and Chinese Sausage Hotpot Rice -冬菇臘腸走地雞煲仔飯 Stir-fried seasonal vegetable with ginger and garlic -清炒時菜 Mango, Coconut, Lycee and Tapioca dessert, with…

West Coast Seafood Madness- Tuesday June 3rd, 6-9pm

Pan Fried West Coast Spotted Prawn in Virgin Soy Sauce, Garlic and Shallot -頭抽香煎西岸大蝦 Honey miso glazed Pacific Spring salmon, mango and papaya sauce -蜜汁味噌焗三文柳,木瓜杧果醬汁 Pan grilled local halibut collar with ginger and garlic, premium soy sauce -頭抽煎哈利 Braised Fanny Bay Oyster with Shallot and Green Onion, Hot Pot Style -薑蔥焗大蠔煲 Ginger and Green Onion…

Premium Soy Sauce Halibut Collar-美極頭抽哈利

During my school years in the early 70’s, I was a server in a seafood restaurant called “The Wharf”. It was the first all seafood restaurant in the area. As a staff member, we never had a chance to eat items on the menu. (not allowed) Very often we ate fish parts which couldn’t make…

Baked Pacific King Salmon with Pistachio Crust

Living in Vancouver, BC means access to great, fresh seafood — my favourite ingredient to cook with. Every summer, I am fortunate enough to go fishing with my friends on Vancouver Island. This particular piece of filet was caught with my own two hands! In this particular recipe, I used some Pacific Spring Salmon (or…